Sham: The Ultra Marathon Man

Last weekend, Sham joined 1,200 other athletes at the start of the Sundown Ultra Marathon.  When it was said and done, Sham crossed the line in 9hr 55min and 5th in the Men’s Open category.  2 days after his effort, we caught up with Sham (he was walking considerably slower than usual) and asked him a couple of questions.

looking mighty fresh

TRG: Congratulations Sham!  9hr 55min is a great time, did everything go according to plan?

Sham: Thank you!  Yes, I think everything went according to plan.  My timing (under 10hrs) and I also aimed for a top5 finish.

TRG: What was the first thing you did when you crossed the line?

S: I just smiled…to see my wife and my friends waiting for me.  I also thanked God for getting me to the finish line.

TRG: What was the worst part of the race for you?

S: The worst part was after the 70km mark because it is the stretch along (Changi) coastal road.  And it is just a never ending stretch…never ending.  I felt like the race was never going to end.  But the thing that motivated me to go harder was when the winner of the women’s veteran category passed me at that point, I really tried to chase her!

TRG: This might be a tough question, but was there a ‘best’ part?

S: The best part was at the 25km/75km mark.  My wife and friends set up a support point there and to see them there so late at night still cheering for me…it made me feel really good.

TRG: Was there a point during the race when you just wanted to stop and sleep? 

S: Yes…after about 60km, I really felt like I had enough.  After seeing the buffet at the turn around point, I had no appetite and didn’t eat anything, I just felt like stopping.

TRG: What was your nutrition like through out the race?

S: I didn’t eat very much.  Half a banana, 2 pieces of Chomps (GU) and 5 packets of gel (SIS).

TRG: What do you think can be done to improve the race?

S: There should be more water points, 10km between points is quite far.  And they should allow more support points for the runners, or at least allow a support team to follow us.

TRG: Does running an ultra marathon make you love or hate running?

S: *long pause* I still love running…I think it makes me want to do more.

TRG: Would you run another ultra marathon?

S: Yes!  But only if it is a shorter distance!

TRG:  What happens now that this huge challenge is over?

S: Next is to rest completely and recover, to come back stronger.  I will probably relax for a month, but ease back into running slowly.

TRG: Great job again Sham, any last thoughts regarding the ultra?

S: I just want to thank God and my wife, my partners at The Runner’s Gait, all the members of TRF (Team RunFanatics), SIM students and my fan club for their support.  Thank you everyone!

The Runner’s Gait would like to say congratulations to every one of the athlete’s that took part in the Sundown Ultra Marathon!  It was a massive feat and we hope you are having a well deserved rest! 

The preliminary results are available here.